Interpretable Machine Learning for Space Physics and Planetary Science
Developing scientifically actionable data intensive methods.
Developing scientifically actionable data intensive methods.
Building a new picture of Mars’ interaction with the solar wind.
Advancing our understanding of how plasma moves around large planetary systems with Saturn as a case study.
Abstract: We utilize data from the CHEMS instrument to present a statistical review of pitch angles of interchange injections.
Shortened Abstract: In 2004 the Cassini mission arrived at Saturn. For the next 13 years the mission collected large amounts of data, resulting in a highly sampled magnetosphere of Saturn. Saturn is now the second most observed magnetosphere after that of Earth now allowing opportune applications of large scale statistical methods.
Abstract: With the advent of post-bachelorette opportunities within data analysis and sciences, there is a clear need for students to understand the basics of data science. Data science knowledge gain includes core student understanding in statistics, programming, and data visualization.